How to Remove 'Powered by Shopify': Step by Step Guide

What does ‘Powered by Shopify' mean?

"Powered by Shopify" is a default footer text that appears on all online stores built using the Shopify platform. This phrase is a standard way for Shopify to subtly brand the e-commerce websites built using their tools and platform. It also indicates to site visitors that the online store is built on a secure and reliable e-commerce platform.

It's important to note that the "Powered by Shopify" text doesn't affect the functioning or performance of your store in any way, and it doesn't cost anything to have it there. However, some Shopify store admin users prefer to remove this message to provide a more personalized and seamless brand experience for their customers. Some also believe that it adds a more professional look to their site when this default branding is removed.

Removing 'Powered by Shopify' via Theme Code Editing code

From your Shopify admin, go to "Online Store," and then "Themes." Find the theme you want to edit, click on the three dots or "Actions," then choose "Edit code Option."

In the "Edit code" page, look for the Shopify "section" folder on the left hand sidebar and click on it to expand it. Find the file named "footer.liquid" and click on it. This file is where the Liquid for your online store's footer is stored. Please note that the file name could vary depending on the theme you are using. If you can't find the file, use the search bar on the left hand sidebar and type footer and select the file from the search results.

remove powered by Shopify

Once the footer.liquid file is open in the code editor, use your browser's "Find" function (Ctrl+F on Windows or Command+F on Mac) and type in "{{ powered_by_link }}" or look for the powered by Shopify tagline. The "{{ powered_by_link }}" is the liquid code that generates the powered by Shopify tagline link in your store's footer.

remove powered by Shopify

Delete the "{{ powered_by_link }}" from the code, ensuring you don't delete any other elements or tags around it as that could potentially disrupt your site's formatting or functionality.

After removing the code, click on the "Save" button at the top right of the code editor.

remove powered by Shopify

What should you replace ‘Powered by Shopify' with?

In place of the default 'Powered by Shopify' text, consider adding your brand name accompanied by a copyright notice or an "All Rights Reserved" statement. For example, it could read "© 2023 Your Brand Name" or "Your Brand Name - All Rights Reserved." This helps establish your brand's ownership of the site's content and design, deterring unauthorized use.

remove powered by Shopify

In addition to reinforcing your brand identity, such a statement emphasizes the originality and authenticity of your content. It sends a clear message about your brand's value and the care you invest in your online presence. Including this in the footer of your website lends an added sense of credibility and security, instilling further confidence in your visitors and customers.

Remember, though, to maintain a harmonious aesthetic throughout your site. The copyright notice or statement should be in a style and font that aligns seamlessly with your brand's visual theme. This careful attention to detail enhances the overall user experience, leaving a lasting impression on your visitors.

Do all Shopify ecommerce stores say ‘Powered by Shopify'?

Yes, by default, all stores created using Shopify display the "Powered by Shopify" text in the footer of the website. This is Shopify's way of subtly branding the e-commerce websites built using their platform. However, this text can be removed or replaced by the store owner.

Store owners might choose to remove this text for several reasons, such as to provide a more personalized and seamless brand experience for their customers, or to maintain a more professional look. This doesn't affect the functionality of the store; it's purely a matter of aesthetic preference and brand customization. Shopify provides methods to remove this default footer text, either through the language editor or by editing the site's code directly. 

What to put in your Shopify footer after removing “Powered by Shopify”?

After removing the "Powered by Shopify" text, you have the opportunity to make the footer of your website more personalized, brand-relevant, and useful to your visitors. Here are some elements you might consider including:

  1. Brand Name or Logo: Displaying your brand name or logo can enhance brand recognition and consistency.
  2. Copyright Notice: Including a copyright notice such as "© 2023 Your Business Name" can provide legal protection and display a level of professionalism.
  3. Navigation Links: These could include links to important pages on your website such as "About Us," "Contact Us," "FAQ," "Blog," "Return Policy," or "Terms of Service." This aids in site navigation and provides essential information to your customers.
  4. Contact Information: This could be your business's email address, customer service phone number, or even your physical store address if applicable.
  5. Social Media Icons: If you maintain a presence on social media platforms, including icons that link directly to these accounts can help grow your follower base and promote engagement.
  6. Newsletter Signup Form: If you have a business newsletter, the footer can be a great place to encourage sign-ups and grow your mailing list.
  7. Trust Seals or Certificates: If your store has been recognized with any certifications, awards, or trust seals (like BBB Accredited, McAfee Secure, etc.), displaying these in your footer can enhance trust and credibility.

Why does Shopify add this branding to their themes?

Shopify adds the "Powered by Shopify" branding to the footers of its themes for a few reasons:

  1. Marketing and Exposure: This branding is essentially free advertising for Shopify. Whenever someone visits a Shopify-powered store, they're made aware of the platform. If they're impressed by the store's design, functionality, or ease of use, they might consider using Shopify to create their own online store.
  2. Credibility and Trust: The "Powered by Shopify" text also signals to visitors that the store is built on a reputable and secure e-commerce platform. This can enhance consumer trust and confidence, especially for smaller or less well-known brands.
  3. Community Building: The "Powered by Shopify" text helps create a sense of community among Shopify store admin. It shows that the store is part of a larger network of businesses using the same platform, which can foster a sense of camaraderie and shared identity.

It's important to note that while this branding is automatically added to all Shopify stores, it can be removed or replaced if you prefer to do so. This allows for greater customization and the ability to fully align the store's design with the business's unique brand identity.

Why should you remove Shopify's branding?

While the "Powered by Shopify" text that appears by default in your store's footer doesn't affect your store's functionality, you might consider removing or replacing it for a number of reasons:
  1. Brand Consistency: Removing Shopify's branding helps to provide a consistent, seamless brand experience for your customers. It ensures that your brand - not Shopify's - is the primary focus, which can enhance brand recognition and loyalty.
  2. Professionalism: Some business owners feel that removing the "Powered by Shopify" text gives their store a more professional look. They believe it signals that their online store is independent and established, rather than being associated with a particular e-commerce platform.
  3. Customer Perception: Customers may not know or care about the platform you use to run your online store. Therefore, seeing a reference to Shopify could potentially confuse or distract them.
  4. Personalization: Removing Shopify's branding allows you to replace it with something that adds more value to your customers, such as additional navigation links, social media icons, or a custom message that aligns with your brand's values.
It's ultimately up to you to decide whether or not to remove the "Powered by Shopify" text. The important thing is to ensure that the choice aligns with your business's branding strategy and the experience you want to create for your customers.